Little j. might have to be re-nicknamed "little old j." because he
is seven now. How did that happen? When did my baby turn into a kid? When did I leave my 20s far behind and start the downturn into the late 30s.....(well, I do have a few more months before
that anyway... )
I can't believe we have a SEVEN year old! That is just nuts. Crazy. It always just seems like yesterday....
Anyway, the little guy opted for a small family dinner party on his actual birthday. And in lieu of a party with friends, he chose to go to a Braves' game with a friend. He chose his cousin as the friend. Which all turned out great since that meant that (daddy) J. could hang with his brother as well. So, the brothers and the cousins went to the game today. Way back when... J. and his brothers had the privilege of being bat boys for the Braves. "Little old j." (we'll just call him l.o.j. for short) thinks that is just THE coolest thing...today he was walking to the car with a bat in hand, "just in case they remember Daddy and want to call him down again..." (ha! Sorry Charlie...don't think that's gonna happen!) Anyway, fun was had by all and "l.o.j." said he chose well.....it was just as fun as any big party he has had. Easier on mom too. :)
For his dinner party, I took some advice from my culinary, foodie friend and grilled a bunch of veggies up with olive oil and sea salt. Made a big pot of pasta. Chopped up fresh mint and chives and fresh grated parm. and laid it all out for everyone to serve themselves. We also grilled yummy beer brats and sweet vidalia onion brats from Harry's. I attempted vegan, no-soy cupcakes and was mildly successful. They looked a little weird ....but they tasted pretty good. At least to me...and my niece who was brave enough to try one. And little a. seemed to like them as well. The rest of the kids were not going to attempt it. (Thankfully, I bought a key lime pie as back up!)

I had big plans for how I was going to detail the laces on the baseballs, but since I was battling with the frosting until right beforehand...well, they didn't quite get the love they deserved. Oh, well...
So, here's to my birthday boy! You are a homerun slugger, ace, hole-in-one getter, best joke-teller and captain of my team anyday! I love you to the moon and back.