Monday, August 31, 2009

In A Perfect whirly World

Am thinking about how to do life here. Make-do...ya know?(Or is it make-due?) Hmm...all kinds of different connotations with those two words. Do you see it?!... How I wander like that? Forgive me - ugh.

Anyway, I am plugging along. Trying to make the best of what I've been given right now. (and that's not to say I haven't been given many, many amazing blessings....) but being that I tend to be a bit idealistic, things are never quite the way I would envision them.

If I had a perfect world, my child would be in a small, nurturing school where he wouldn't just be a number with a test score attached. Where I would feel comfortable approaching his teachers and principal on an ongoing basis...where everyone cared about nurturing his spirit and his unique mind as much as his ability to memorize his times-tables and stay quiet in class. I just don't know how to get to that without paying a million dollars a year for it.

Anyway, I could paint a pretty picture of what my perfect world would look like as I am sure you could too.

Just some (semi) deep thoughts on a dark and dreary day.

Oh, and I thought TODAY was picture day. It's tomorrow. In my perfect world, he wore a blue and white stripe shirt.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Vaguer-nater and random thoughts

I have a tendency to say things that people take the wrong way. I am not sure why this is and it's a source of great frustration to me. Maybe words fail me. Maybe that's why a visual interpretation of my feelings is easier and less likely to be misunderstood. I would say that one of the greatest of my desires is to be known and understood. This seems to be difficult....and I do not understand why. Thankfully my husband "gets it"...and he is one of the few. Those closest to me seem to think I am easy to read. Why then do I offend? I really don't mean to....

I go in waves thinking about this...getting sick of hearing myself think and talk. These are the times I want to run away. Hide. Be like an ostrich and stick my head in the sand. (which I found out is purely the way) These are the times I put in a cheesy teen movie or lose myself in a book.... so I don't have to listen anymore.
Maybe I'll start blogging about books....

Random post, I know.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

To hold Infinity in the palm of your hand.....

There are moments in life that just take your breath away. These moments come for me late in the evening when the boys are fast asleep. I have already tucked them in and kissed them once, but I ALWAYS, always have to go back and kiss them again before I can go to sleep. I pick up my sleeping baby and hold his limp, sleeping body close to my chest...close so I can breathe in his sweet smell and kiss his soft cheeks. I can't pick up my big baby anymore...but I still kiss his forehead and marvel at his peaceful being fast asleep. These are the best moments of my day....

Monday, August 3, 2009

"Coldplay's on..."

I made this little slideshow for little j's. 7th birthday. I was taken back looking through our iphoto library and couldn't believe how time's taken me awhile to get it up here. (make sure you pause the ipod to the right or else you will have competing musical interludes..)

A little story:
When little old j. was around 18 months old, he stayed with J's brother and sister-in-law for a week while hubby and I went to a conference in Orlando. It was the first time we left him and was a bit sad for us....He, however, had a great time. Playing with his cousins, eating their family out of house and home, and just keeping everyone else entertained for awhile. He has always been good at that. Of all the stories we heard after the fact, there was one that we always's just become one of those sayings in our house...."COLDPLAY's ON..." (in a sweet 18 month old slur of spit and lisp with almost a lilting at the end as if it might be a question? Or an almost statement... sort of?)

So, I guess they were all in the car and little j. (since he was still little at the time) kept saying this over and over again....

From the back of the car, his aunt heard him and asked J's brother what he was saying...... Listening, he said...."I think he said, "Coldplay's on..."

"Well, is it?", she asked. He listened again....turned up the radio a bit...and replied..... "yep."

So, my little Coldplay lovin' sweetness....this is your song. And this is for you.