I kinda don't want to write a new blog post, because that just means that our trip to Asheville was already moving that far into the past. Ugh, time moves fast. But, we've been keeping busy.....
Lj has had one thing after another...(but what else is new...) He had a big school project due last week that he had to present to the class (not merely reading from his paper, but speaking intelligently about what he read ) I am terrible at that sort of thing, I always crack up...forget what I am saying...and generally turn a bright shade of purple. But, he seems to do this sort of thing well. It's not surprising really, he always has enjoyed the spotlight. :)
Anyway, he picked his main character to discuss from the book
Oggie Cooder. It's a funny little book about a kid that can "charve" - chew and carve cheese into just about any shape. Lj. loves this book. Anyway, he did great. If you already know how to get to his school webpage, a video of it is there. He had to illustrate his character as well. This was more of a challenge for him than the writing and presenting part of the project. We had a few bumps in the road, but I think he did a great job in the end.
The big news of this day was that he also had his belt test for his Recommended Black Belt. Each color belt has two cycles to it; the first cycle is the "recommended" belt and the second is the "decided" belt. He got all "excellents" and a few "outstandings" on his report for this belt test. This is really a feat! We are so proud of him and are just in awe of how far he has come. It's amazing to see the accomplishments and to see how proud of himself he is. His big test for 1st Degree Black Belt is in March. CRAZY!
I was so sad though to miss both the testing AND the ceremony. I mean seriously....that just sucked. J was supposed to tape the test for me, but it seems he had an issue with a. running wild and deciding just before Lj's turn that he was going to unload a big stinker in his diaper....leaving all who were within whiffing distance with strong feelings of disgust, distaste, and dislike...:(
We went to a fun bonfire at my sister and brother-in-law's on Sat. night. It was their 1st annual backyard bonfire...to enjoy the fall-ness. It was freezing cold, but was soooo fun. We stayed way too late for the kids but had a great time. Of course, it was too dark to take good pics with the i-phone...thus, nothing to share. One day, I will have a camera with charged batteries so I stop missing great photo ops!
And Sunday, we got to visit an old friend and his wife to bring them some food and a little something for their new baby girl. This was so exciting because they had previously lost their baby boy and had suffered a number of miscarriages. This little cutie-pie was ADORABLE. And I got to work on a little project for her........

It is always fun doing girly gifts. I get my pink out that way...I also found the cutest hat that I found on
Etsy... put in the bucket with a few other goodies. I will definitely have to remember it again next time....