Lately the schedule around here has been just a tad bit overwhelming....for me. (You are not hearing an echo, I know I've said this before...) I know that the trick is to just think about one thing at a time. Just think about what is right in front of me and deal with the rest later. So, in other words...compartmentalize. Yeah, right. I want to know...if you are a woman, can you do that? Really?!?
Besides the regular stuff like school, chores, shopping and eeking in some playing here and there somewhere.....this is what the schedule looks like once 3 pm hits during the week.
Mon - tennis, homework, dinner, cub scouts
Tues - homework, karate, dinner
Weds - dinner, homework, small group
Thurs - karate, dinner, homework
Fri - karate, dinner
Then add 3 or so nights of working organizing a major art show.
I added dinner in the mix because when things are this scheduled...dinner has to be scheduled too. I know it's a given...we HAVE to eat. But, when we have to eat at a CERTAIN time, well, that just adds to the stress for me. It seems weird to some, but being this organized does not come easy. Phew.
Ok, so granted, I get help from the husband on some of this with one kid....and sometimes we do a hand-off of kids in transit. What happens when 2 kids are this involved? Or that this one kid wants to add something to the mix? Tales of the overscheduled....
Oh, and I'd like to create art in there somewhere, blog and work out some...
So, sometimes, like last week...I just shut down. The introvert in me just implodes. Powers off. Breaks. And then I don't do any of it....and guess what follows...guilt. Guilt, schmilt. What a useless emotion.
Is this what your schedule is like? And if you can handle all of this and more...I am in awe.
And I realize that some people do all of this PLUS work full time...I've just been humbled.