When we moved back to the south 5 years ago, J had the fun experience of being a stay-at-home dad to Lj while I went back to work. As you can imagine, this was a pretty incredible time of bonding for them and as a result they are very close. They had all sorts of adventures everyday and I am pretty sure he was much more fun in this role than I am. Regular outings included hikes and outdoor exploration of every kind. Now, don't get me wrong, I like this sort of thing too....it just isn't on my radar on a day-to-day basis. I prefer it on the weekends as a family event. I am not too hip to going out with a two year old and hiking alone. Probably as it should be I suppose. But, back to my point....
This past weekend, J took Lj. out again on an adventure that included a trip to a park aptly named by Lj. "The Bridge Park" because of the old covered bridge that guides your path to a lovely stream. There is a playground at this park, but really it's meant more for other outdoor pursuits...hiking, etc.
I guess we haven't been back for awhile because Lj. was so excited to rediscover it again..."OH, this place! Yeah, I remember!"
We have a picture of him at 2, posing his "daddy pose" (a common sight of J. on the edge of some cliff or mountain in this stance). I always loved this picture. J. took another updated shot of the same pose, same place, same kid. Just a wee bit older....( and sadly minus the sweet dog in the background.)
Where DOES the time go?

I remember going there! We have some seriously cute photos of the cousins looking out into the water. I love the art and poetry of the photos. I could be really poetic about the streams of life passing by and going its path while we just grow and grow but it is getting late and I need to start my ALIAS book. Love you!