Monday, January 18, 2010

Dinosaur bones, mass extinction, fossils, bones...more, bones

We are big They Might Be Giants fans in this family. I was way back when....when songs like "Birdhouse in Your Soul" and "Constantinople" were on my playlists, like in the early 90's.... like 1990 early 90's....As most of you, my dear readers, probably were too...

Along their creative path, they have come up with crazy (and I mean crazy) podcasts, books, and more inspiring music. But, I have to say that their kids' cds have become staples in this household. "No" and "Here Come the ABC's" played themselves out when lj. was a wee tot. He still likes them though and we are always on the lookout for new releases. "Here Comes the 1,2,3's" and most recently, "Here Comes Science" are always good food for junior minds (and the young-at-heart). I had to post a few faves. So, check 'em out.

("7" is an often quoted song around here....We want cake, where's our cake?)
Ahh....Geekdom at it's very finest.

I am a Paleontologist

1 comment:

  1. WE LOOOOVE They Might Be Giants Podcast...they were great entertainment on the airplane on Josh's ipod.
