I went a little crazy this Valentines Day. Here are just a few projects I had going....

These are gluten free, dairy free, egg free, peanut free....so, basically, COMPLETELY allergy friendly sugar cookies. And they are soooo good. I was seriously impressed. Made totally easy...from a box. Pretty excited about this actually because
Cherrybrook Kitchen makes the mix for these great baked sweets, and now they have....(wait for it....wait!)... FROSTING! I attempted to make vegan frosting back at
lj.'s birthday and thought it came out kinda slimy. Well, lo and behold, so is this frosting. EXACTLY the same. So, I didn't mess it up afterall!

lj. celebrated Valentine's Day on Thursday at school...this was the lunch I made him. Almond butter and jam heart sandwich with a black licorice arrow on a bed of almonds, raisins and granola trail mix sprinkled with a few valentine m&ms.(for color :) Pita chips (my color eye has a real hard time with this; I should've put the pita chips in the
purple container...) and hummus. Clementine eyes and a banana mouth. (he didn't seem to give two squirts about it, but it made me happy.:)

He had to make a box to house his valentines from school.
I , w
e, had a lot of fun with this one. His task was to come up with adjectives to describe himself. His words were: LOGICAL, EXTRAORDINARY, ADVENTUROUS, LOVING, CLEVER, CONSIDERATE, UNIQUE, ATHLETIC...I added "Super Star". I got so into this I wanted my own box. For future use...you know, for all my valentines. :)

This is how far my box got....I couldn't find an embroidery needle and got a little hung up. So, that's just gonna have to be a
to be continued....

And finally, the hubster and I got a night out. All in all, a very nice valenti
me's day. Happiness to you too.
Cute ideas. And those cookies looked sooo yummy! I LOOOOOVE your Valetimes box. So cute. Next year I will make you a valentine to stick in it. :)