Thursday, May 6, 2010

rearranging stuff

I haven't been a very good blogger it seems lately. One post in April?! (wow.) I have had a lot to blog about and am keeping lists, don't you worry! You will hear what's been on my of these days.

Last Friday, I took on a re-arranging project. It's been on my mind for awhile and I figured I had better get around to it. Because in my mind, that day we finally decide to put that sign out front in the yard - you know... I need to be prepared. Preparation means making the house look a little less cluttered. And a little bit of organization and clearing away clutter does a LOT for mental clarity. A lot! (Which makes me think of another post I am going to do soon-but you'll just have to wait for that one. Even if it DOES take me another month.)

But, I digress, again.

My re-arranging project.... I took on j's room. As you can see from the picture above and below... I had a "helper". He was a big helper removing books from the shelves. Can you tell?

The good news is he also likes to stack. Well, I don't know if it's good news, but at least he had fun "helping".

After we stacked, and restacked a few times...we finished up the room. It's fun to think that one day they might share a room.

(if we still live here...:)

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I love that Ashey likes to stack stuff. Maybe Ry will join in on that too one day instead of "destroy! destroy! destroy!" Pepaws beds look great in the room, too!
