We try, really we do. But, put 2 highly intuitive, highly perceptive, highly introverted and creative people together and you don't get much done besides a lot of dreaming and idealizing. We have day-planners and i-phones and calendars and all the things you need to function in this life, but plans? That's a whole other story. Oh, we have dreams...lots of 'em. Just don't ask us our plan...at least the kind of plan that most functioning adults would have. My close friend once asked us what our 5 year plan looked like. I laughed out loud.
Now, we do actually accomplish things. Amazingly enough. We just do them. No plans. We float along, catch the wind, are along for the ride....wanna go camping this weekend? Sure, no problem. (I think I lived my entire college life this way... met my husband this way actually.) And definitely NOT a creature of habit...I never order the same thing twice at a restaurant.
The funny thing and irony in it all is I DO believe in living a purposeful life. Raising kids proactively, setting goals, simplifying, letting go... etc. I just haven't figured out yet how to DO ANY OF THAT.......yet. It just goes completely against my nature. I do think you can train yourself, it's just hard work. Again, I haven't figured that out yet.
I am amazed at women that have it all together. They plan for a week (or more), they're organized, there is a budget and a plan for everything. If this is you, I am in awe of you!! I need to live this way....I do. It's just a struggle. I cracked up at this explanation of the perceptive end of the INFP personality profile.....especially the last sentence.
Perceptive: Applies to the way we structure our lives. Perceptive types put much value on the open ended. They do not like to come to a conclusion unless forced to and then may still be uncomfortable with its closure. Being aware of how many factors are involved and how much is still unknown, they are terrified at making a rash decision. They hope they can solve a problem simply by understanding it better, by seeing it from all sides and eventually being able to see the thing to do. They love to explore the unknown. They don't like to be pinned down, to plan a task, to make definite statements. They prefer to be spontaneous, to live for the moment. They like to make work fun or they lose interest in it. They don't believe in deadlines, but use them instead as alarm clocks allowing them to pick up spurts of energy at the last minute and accomplish the task. In conversations they can jump from subject to subject depending on whatever enters their mind, or whatever enters the room.
Ha, here I am trying to figure out how to solve this planning problem by merely understanding it better, dissecting it and laughing at myself..... So, here's to figuring it all out. When I figure it out, I'll let you know. If I haven't already moved on to something else.
I'm loving your blog! And yes, why can't I be one of those women who have it all together--organized, with everything fitting oh-so-neatly in their cute monogrammed planner? I haven't cooked for my family in 2 weeks...TWO WEEKS. I'd like to blame it on all the illnesses, but I think my poor planning has to be at least part of the problem. If you figure it out, give me a holla!