Sunday, March 22, 2009

my 5 "guilty" pleasures

So, my very sweet and lovely sister-in-law wrote a note about her 5 guilty pleasures and then turned it into 12. You go, girl.
Although, I have to say, that if these are her "guilty" pleasures, she needs more corruption. (j/k....I probably need her influence.) I particularly liked her one about buying cute underwear. I probably do need that guilt on my conscience.

She asked for responses, so in true Letterman are my top 5 guilty pleasures. You only really need one word for each of these...they speak volumes alone.

5. Sleep

4. Facebook (and the word games therein)

3. Starbucks

2. Twilight. (I am such an adolescent.)

and my number one guilty pleasure right now:
1. my new blog!!!
woo-hoo...raise the roof. yay me.

Ok, I'm really just a big dork. I like to think that I am a bit more cultured and interesting than this list indicates and that's all a part of who I am for sure.....but, if I had to boil it down RIGHT NOW...sad isn't it.? (sigh.)

(maybe I'll do this exercise a bit later into the spring and hope for a little more intellectual stimulation...but I guess if they were actually worth my time, they wouldn't be my "guilty pleasures"..right?!)

1 comment:

  1. Can you bring me a Starbucks to work? That would be great, thanks.
